May he be better than the last one...
After years of politics, and a long hiatus, I am back. But this time my focus will be on the brighter side of life: reviews of my favorite pass time, like books, series, and movies. In addition, to the unfortunate political commentary...
Beirut has fallen under the yoke of Nassrallah militiamen. A victory some are calling it. Hordes of militiamen running in the streets shooting at civilians and residential areas. TVs, newspapers and magazines are being closed down. Checkpoints are being built. Welcome to the new age, the age of Hezbollah iron grip!
Dream on! Hundreds or even thousands of militiamen cannot occupy a city. Pitiful street thugs will never close down free press and Tvs. Dream on, for today is the start of the end of what was once called a resistance, but now is only a milita, specialized in terror and blackmail, holding a whole city, and economy of the whole country hostages for some political gains.
Dream on! A battle is lost but the war rages on, where it should in our hearts in our minds and in our faith in a free, democratic and secular LEBANON!
Dream on Mr. Nassrallah…
Finally, Nassrallah described what Hezbollah truly is: just another power hungry milita, which cares only for its power and weapons. Forget Israel, forget the so called occupied Lebanese land in the Shebaa area (with an area less than 30 km2 ) forget all that, the battle is in Beirut. In our beautiful capital, in its streets and houses...
A bloody street war, with all the horrors that it evokes: Militiamen checkpoints, asking for ones sect, religion and political affiliations. Civilian casualties, innocent bystanders mowed down by stray bullets. Whole buildings with their windows broken…
Two days of street fighting, ten death so far... may they be the last... but somehow I doubt it... Once more my country is plunged in civil war... into a black abyss of hate, death and destruction...