Friday, October 19, 2007

A humane good will gesture!

Imagine this scenario: Prime Minster Siniora in a press conference announces that in “a humane good will gesture” to Israel, especially to the families of the victims, he will order the army to search and deliver any remains of Israel soldiers it finds. Imagine the indignation, the accusations of treachery and collaboration with the enemy that he wil immediately face…

Now back to reality, Nassrallah came on TV and just said that. As always he was hailed a hero, a true leader, while PM Siniora just for answering the questions of an Israeli journalist, with no prior knowledge his identity, is accused, on regular basis, of treason and collaboration…

So anyone care to explain? Or maybe this is just another example of Al Manar’s and Hezbollah’s double standards and hypocrisy!


Anonymous said...

good point.

Anonymous said...
I Would like to hear you most valuable take on this

BOB said...

sure now SHAM press has become a reliable source!!!

Ah wait didn't they say that Aoun has no longer any beef with SY, not even in the past?? And then the Aounist, HA best ally said that SHAM PRESS is only a Syrian moukabarat mouthpiece??

In the end rumors are rumors, i have a good one for you, BOB news agency (at least more trustworthy than sham press) reported that an unnamed source was adamant that HA was seeking Iran and Syria's help to destroy 14 March and topple Lebanon's lawful government?

You know some Lebanese (like me) consider Syria their enemy and HA collaboration with Syria is for them as treacherous as 14 March "alleged" collaboration with Israel...

So if HA persists in its collaboration with Syria the day might come when, for some lebanese, Israel will no longer be the most dangerous ennemi, especially if Syria keeps killing our politicians...

Anonymous said...

SO is Israel your enemy??? please do reply with yes or no ... i don't care about HA ..i do careless about syria ...and don't give a darn about Aoun....i dont 'want you to reply with a huge message to tell me how much you hate those 3, i know it ..i read it in your very insightful posts ... my question to you BOB is very simple and direct. DO YOU CONSIDER ISRAEL TO BE YOUR ENEMY YES OR NO?? IF no , did you ever in your life consider it to be an enemy and what changed your great mind ?
and i do wonder why didn't you have the courage to post my previous message... ??

BOB said...



good enough for you? but let me add a few lines. Israel is my enemy but at the moment Syria is my biggest and most threatening ennemy, and i believe that you can make peace even with your worst enemy.


now my turn do you consider Syria your enemy, yes or no plz?

finally, lack courage is not what made withhold your comment it was your lack of respect. rewrite it if you want without giving me lessons, o great commenter, in what i should think and what i should write and what i can't. Be respectful and stay off personnel attacks and you will see that all your comments will be published.

Anonymous said...

Just to explain since no one else has, its quie simple. Nasrallahs relationship, attitude and history with israel means he has the credibility to say what he says without accusations of betrayal. Saniora on the other hand has no history of dealing with israel, apart from ordering tea, and therefore no credibility in anything he says about Israel.

BOB said...

i will serve tea myself if it means saving 300 men from death...

But at least i will never offer a machine gun for a cold blooded assasin just t o thank him for his services {sic}
ie: i am referring to Nassrallah gifting a machine gun to the Rustum Ghazali the Syrian head of Military intelligence in Lebanon before 2005... what a disgraceful and humiliating photo that was. the great Nassrallah lowering and demeaning himself by offering a gift to that murderer...

Anonymous said...

300 men can quite easily surrender without serving tea and humiliating their nation.

As for your second point, my God where do I start? The fact that you are happy for soldiers to serve to tea so that they can save themselves but not happy when the leader of the Lebanese resistance gives a shmuck a photo op so that the resistance can continue to get its weapons? Or maybe the fact that while Nasrallah was giving him a machine gun, the likes of Jumblatt and Siniora were handing him cheques for hundreds of millions of dollars of Lebanese money..And you complain about hypocrisy?

Finally, its remarkable how two readers of Heinlein can have such opposite views

BOB said...

I have had this conversation so many times...

It is very simple, while you think the best of Hezballoh and the worse of 14 March, i do the opposite...

maybe we ought to find a middle ground...

Now off to more serious things :) which book is your favorite?

Anonymous said...

I guess we all have. And maybe if we didn't think the worst of each other we wouldn't be driving each other further apart and further away from any possible middle ground.

My middle ground? I also oppose Syrian hegemony over Lebanon, and have done from well before any Cedar revolutions. However. I also do not want US or Israeli hegemony over Lebanon as I think that will be equally destructive and without Hizballah we will have that. And without their arms standing up to their plans, we will have that. Therefore, as a consequence of realpolitik, as long as that threat exists and the Army is not allowed to provide the necessary protection, there is a need for Syrian co-operation. I have no more love for the Syrian govt. than I have for the american govt. They both wish to use and abuse the people and land of Lebanon. In my opinion though, while both positions are detrimental and abusive, the US position, were we to succumb to it, would leave us abused and unable to defend ourselves from further abuse.

Favourite? His work is too large to choose a favourite. Some of his stuff I read and loved when I was much younger and when re-read later seemed childish. Other stuff only got better as I got older. The ones that always stick with me are probably my favourite in the sense they have had most effect on me: Have Spacesuit..., Moon is a harsh mistress, Stranger in a strange land and Friday off the top of my head. You have made me want to get them out of storage and start reading them again as I haven;t picked one up in a few years!

BOB said...

Again it is the same issue if you had to choose you go with Syria, a tyranny... I would always choose a democracy... So btw the two i would go for the US. the thing is you could always mitigate any hegemony, especially by a democracy. But being under a Syrian hegemony is something i will never accept, not even to fight Israel.

and like you i was anti syrian way before the cedar revolution.

my favorite would have to be the moon is a harsh mistress..."man my only friend"

Anonymous said...

Ok, out of interest why would you choose the US?
Choosing to be under the hegemony of a democracy rather than a dictatorship may be better, you are right. Except for 2 glaring problems for me in this case:

1- The Americans only love and embrace democracy in the US (and this particular administration is even trying to curtail the freedoms and rights of its own people). You may have noticed but they are not such big fans of democracy outside the US. Under the Syrians, only pro-Syrians get elected. Under the US, only pro-Americans would get elected. Whats the difference?

2-America is a 2 party state (just one party away from a dictatorship!). Problem is both parties have exactly the same attitude to the Middle East, which can be pretty much summed up as whatever is good for Israel no matter how many Arabs die. Therefore no matter who got elected we would have the same policy towards us. At least a dictatorship can be toppled.

Let me give you this scenario. It is a year from now. Hizballah has been forced to give up its arms. The US is about to go to war with Iran. Israel tells the US that since it is attacking Iran why not kill two birds with one stone. They want to go north and finally take the Litani. Syria tells the US that they will stay out of both wars and seal the border with Iraq (hey maybe even send some troops to help) if it is allowed to "keep security" in Lebanon after the fallout of the Israeli invasion.

Tell me if you think the US would still support Lebanon at that point. Who or what would help us at that point?

Yeah, Moon is a harsh mistress was the first one I was gonna re-read

BOB said...

first i will start with your number 2
"America is a 2 party state (just one party away from a dictatorship!)"
come one give me a break!! this is absurd!!! next thing you will tell me that iran is a democracy...

the US is a democracy because it has elections, a peaceful transferee of power, AN open market place of ideas, FREE SPEECH, a supreme coutrt, an independant judiciary...

of course it is not perfect and there is amny problems, but what i count on in the US is the ability to change policy by lobbying, signing petitions, ect...
look what Israel did, with AIPAC and other lobbies. Look what Aoun did with his Lebanese lobby (UNSCR 1559) so instead of spending all this iranian money on weapons and missiles try spending a 1/10 of it on a US lobby and see how it will change for the better for lebanon. Maybe not immediately but over the years.

now i believe that once HA threat is removed Israel will no longer bother Lebanon (check Jordan and egypt!!! and even Syria!!!!) before you start to scream foul, why don't try it for a couple of years. and i promise you that if HA is disarmed ( and its missiles handed over to the LEBANESE ARMY) and no attack (HA or Palestinian) is launched against Israel from Lebanon and Israel decides to attack us, i will be the first to fight them, eventhough i abhor violence...

the funny thing is that you have not spoken about the other scenario! what will you do if HA wins and a wilayat al faquieh government is installed in Lebanon... what if Beirut becomes like Nabatieh ( no drinking alcohol, Tshador dress code??? no more beaches!!! i know what i will do ... but do u?

and finally no one will help us but our selves, but we should at least not shoot ourselves in the foot by launching an unprovoked attack on Israel like HA didi in 2006!

Anonymous said...

Cool, an intelligent discussion that has gone 4 posts without an insult! :)

I was being flippant about the one party away from dictatorship- I didnt expect it to be taken seriously...:)

Ok to answer your points, in reverse order.

Unprovoked attack? Come on are you serious? Do you consider it unprovoked just because you don't live in the South of the country? Have you read the UN reports of the number of violations by Israel over the 6 years between their retreat and the 2006 war? What was done for the Lebanese killed and taken hostage by Israel in those years? Do we not have a right to do to them what they do to us or is it only Hizballah that can provoke?

The other scenario is very simple. I recognise and respect the fact that my country is a mixture of many peoples and many religions. I will oppose anyone who tries to impose their beliefs and way of life on my people. Therefore, if Hizballah were to try to impose an Iranian style regime on Lebanon I will oppose them as harder and louder than I oppose the current majority and I know many others who would also not accept this. However, I would not go running into the arms of those that wish me harm in order to do so. p.s Have you actually been to Nabatieh?

You believe if left alone Israel would not attack us? If it were not for Hizballahs arms they would leave us alone?

This statement mystifies me.
First I would guide you again to note the UNIFIL reports for the period 2000-2006 to see who was provoking whom.
Second, I would remind you that were it not for the resistance, Southern Lebanon would most likely now be a series of settlements.
Thirdly, and most importantly, we have something that Egypt did not have, Jordan surrendered in its peace deal and the Syrians lot in the Golan. Namely, water. Above all else that is what Israel needs the most and we are the only water-surplus country in the region. Israel cannot grow without access to a large surplus of water and that is without any deals with the Palestinians that would involve giving up a greater share of the West bank aquifers. The only source of water that fulfils their needs is the Litani. Without Hizballah, who would stop them taking it?

You are right that a democracy's policy can be changed by the methods you state. But the Israeli control of congress and the media would make that a very hard struggle and for the above reasons I do not believe we would have the time and I would not be willing to take the risk.

Trust me that I, like you would love to see the Army take over the role of Hizballah. But if we are talking American support, then ask them why our army is only allowed helicopters with their missile capabilities removed or why the US blocked the donation of anti-aircraft missiles by the UAE. You may say it is because they dont want these weapons to get into the wrong hands and if that is the answer then we will forever be in a vicious circle. The US wont allow our army to arm itself against Israel and Hizballah wont give up its arms until the army can defend Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

So you are afraid of fellow Lebanese, Aoun who fought Syrian presence, and Hezbollah who fought Israeli occupation, but you trust the US(who gave cover to Syria to interfere in Lebanon to disarm the PLO) and Israel for leaving us alone?
Come on man have some judgement:
The US goes to Afghanistan: Civil war, Allies with Pakistan: civil war, goes to Irak: civil war, organises democracy in Palestine (and then refuse the results): civil war and do you propose:
Allying with the US!!!!!!
(Hmmphh, let me take a deep breath)
Oh yes and disarming the guys who liberated our land, and are getting back our prisoners to give them to a phantom government (that is even incapable of defending any of its members) let alone Lebanon.

BOB said...

First i will answer atlanta dude:

yes i will ally with the US to fight off Iran and Syria, a theocracy and a tyranny...

and yes disarming Hezbllah because as long as they have arms the lebanese will never be strong enough. very simple as long as the state does not have the monopoly of lethal power it will never be strong.

I am sure if all the missiles are given to the army and HA spends their precious clean money on training the Lebanese army and giving it weapons from Iran the army will be more than capable of fighting off the Israelis...

now back to anonymous (ps i would be gratful if you could provide a name or an alias so we can have a clearer discussion...thx)

why does it always have to become personal. what does it change where i live and where i was during the war...

nevertheless, i was int he south and was cut off from the whole world... with bombs falling just 700 meters away...

my friends factory was destroyed because HA decided to launch their rockets from their courtyard. another friend spent he last 15 days worrying sick for his lifetime investment because HA stash their weapons -without asking mind you- in his warehouse...

and yes i went to nabatieh, and yes i witnessed first hand the effect of a theocracy where u cant even have a beer anywhere in HA land... except in tyr and a few villages that follows Berri...

you speak about the UN report but you forget what HA did during these years. Why do not we try it my way leave the Israeli alone for a couple of years and if they attack us i promise you every Lebanese will fight them... but do not go provoking them and then claim that they intended to attack first!!!

you speak about settlement?? Israel was in the south for years before any resistance started and they did not build any stelment!!!

you speak about water?? well more than 60or 70% of it goes down the drain in the sea, if the Israeli wanted hell they can pay for it...

and finally about the lobby, it took the Israeli a scant 20 or 30 years to build up their lobby with much less resources than the arab currently have. remember in 58 when the US stood against Israel?

so let us stop this war and death nonsense let us disarm HA and give its weapon, training to the army and build a real economy cause it is there that we excel and it is there where we can really beat Israel not in war...

cause violence is the last resort of incompetence!!! (guess where that quote comes from )

PS: sry about the long comment :)

Anonymous said...

I would be happy to use my name if it makes things easier..:)

Firstly, I did not mean to make it personal, but I know for a fact that there are certain people in the country who do not care what happens in the South and act and talk as if the people and the land are not part of Lebanon.

I don't forget what Hizballah did in those years. In fact UNIFIL documented everything they did - a grand total of 6 operations all but one of which were in retaliation for Israeli actions! Compare that with Israels 1500+ violations. Who is the aggressor in this scenario?

If Hizballah gives up its arms and we leave Israel alone and they attack us, you say every Lebanese will fight. With what for heavens sake? The whole strength of Hizballah lies not in their arms but in their organisational, logistical and intelligence set up. If you give those up, what are you going to do? Turn up with a klashnikov and charge at the Israelis? Without Hizballah, if Israel attacks, we are defenseless no matter how many Lebanese say they will fight. Do you see my point?

Your logic states that Hizballah gives up its arms, Lebanon is defenceless and we see what happens. If you are right, great. If you are wrong, we are screwed.

My logic says, tell the US to allow the army to have proper weaponry (they wont even allow us DEFENSIVE anti-aircraft missiles). Then when the army is strong enough, Hizballah can stop being the protector of Lebanon. If you are right that Israel wont attack, still great. If you are wrong, we can still defend ourselves.

I dont know about you, but my logic seems to protect us a lot more.

As for settlements, Israel was only in the South for 3 years before Hizballah started but before that there were resistance operations by Amal and the Communists.

Israel can pay for it? Im sure they would gladly. But any Leanese govt. that accepted that would be commiting political suicide. I will not stand by and allow my countrys water to be used to allow Israel to flourish. An nor will Hizballah. Thats why the US and Israel would like to be rid of them. I guess this point is one of the biggest differences between us. I will never agree to or support the existence of Israel.

In 58 the US stood against Israel? You will have to remind me how. Ironically, 1958 is the year that US troops entered Lebanon to prop up a pro-western govt.
Like I said, I do not disagree that the Arabs should do more lobby work in the US. But I do not agree that we should give up our alternatives sources of strength.

BOB said...

Hello Mo

in 58 it was the US who stood against Israel, france and the UK when they invaded Egypt and made a weapon embargo against Israel (who's arms were mostly French and british at that time)

Israel had a presence in the south since 1978. and no one seriously bothered the deep areas and jezzine until the late 90's, if they wanted to build stellement they could have, check Gaza and how dangerous it was, they still built statelemnt!

when i say HA give up their weapons, i mean to handed them to the army. why ask the US for arms when we have all the arms HA has?

and taking our queue from the IRA some weapons can be locked up,under army supervision to be used later if need be.

My whole argument rest on the fact that we never gave other measures the chance in the fight with Israel. it was always violence, war and destruction. try peace, economic development and dialogue for a while and you will see.

unfortunately the world is made this way, in order to try something new and uncertain you have to endure risk. I am willing to give peace a chance, is HA willing? are you?

Anonymous said...

Ah, i see, you mean Suez Crisis - I believe that 1956. But then you see how things change as only 10 years later the Israelis attacked an American battleship and got away with it.

The fact is had there not been any resistance there may have been settlements. You say look at Gaza. How much resistance was there before Hamas cam along?

I know you mean handing the weapons to the army. But the fact is Hizballahs weapons are for a organisation like Hizballah. In the hands of a conventional army they are not very useful. Armies have bases and barracks.

Now do not get me wrong. I would love Lebanon to progress economically and socially in a peaceful manner. But, without defense, the world will do what it did in 68, 78, 82, 90 and 96. It will ignore our cries for help if Israel attacks and I do not believe any nation can take that risk. You are willing to take that chance and that is brave of you. I, unfortunately, am not

BOB said...


my bad it was 56.
army can be trained to mimick HA, see the Swiss army for example. and again the IRA peace in Ireland is very interesting...

now all the dates u states there was someone (Palestinians or HA) launching attacks against Israel.

and the Israeli settlement is not based on safety, look at the small settelement in the middle of hebron city...

And finally "But then you see how things change as only 10 years later" that is my point. in 10 years of playing it smart we can have our say in the US. so enough with resisitance, war and destruction and let us try to act smart for once... don't u think?

Anonymous said...

>>yes i will ally with the US to fight off Iran and Syria, a theocracy and a tyranny...
If the US wants to attack Syria and Iran let them do so directly,
why do you want us to ally with the US and israel whose final aim is to control us as much as Iran, Syria , Iraq, and the rest of the middle east?
I think we should ally with Syria and Iran or at the minimum stay neutral. Allying with the US is suicide (just see Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine...)
Plus the US is failing and so we are going to be the bad guys and then Syria will be right to retaliate against us since we are hostile to them, and allow us to become a base for foreign powers to use against other nations for proxy wars (that they are going to loose anyway).

>> disarming Hezbllah because as long as they have arms the lebanese will never be strong enough.
HA existed BECAUSE the army was not there not the other way around.
Plus the problem is not with the weapons it is with the way you use them (uerrilla tactics...) The Lebanese army has all the weapons HA has and much much more, but it is organised in a way where they just buy range rovers, raise the white flag, and make tea (one sugar or 2 sugars?
Aoun said he will integrate HA in the army and HA said it is willing to do so. The wise thing would be to ally with your Lebanese brothers that we are instead than foreign powers that we are going to resist and never accept to set on our soil.
Your proposition to ally with foreign powers is a recipe for disaster, civil war, more foreign intervention and proxy wars.
Some Lebanese want to shake your hand to build a better future together are you going to refuse that and shake the hand of the colonial invader? Don't we learn from history?
In 1918 we allied with the west for help (against the turkish occupation) and then the west betrayed us badly and divided us into warring factions and confessions and religions and tribes the same in 48, 56, 67, 78, 82 now Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, you want another century of suffering? for what my friend for what? The West is just looking for oil, controlling us, dividing us, helping israel no matter how wrong they are and they do... Now I don't blame them for looking after their interests, I blame those of us for not doing the same: OUR interests not those of others.

BOB said...


so the US wants all these bad things for us, but Syria and Iran no??/
come on if you use the logic that all countries are looking for their interests then this means that SY and Iran are looking for their interests too.

And at the end of the day i trust the interests of a democracy (which i can affect) more then those of a tyranny...

meanwhile know that i am not allying myself against fellow Lebanese, but i am allying myself against other foreign countries.

additionally, you speak as if HA is independent?? aren't they so deep in bed with Iran that i can no longer see much difference btw them...

but let me hear you, so if i am allied with syria like you are suggesting and with Iran? what will happen? draw a scenario for me... and what you do with the 50% of Lebanese who are against it? you claim that allying with US will lead to civil war, so what about allying oursleves with Iran and syria? will that not lead to civil war too?

Anonymous said...

The answer to the question about Iran and Syria is just one word:
GEOSTRATEGY. It is the basis for any foreign policy anywhere on earth and throughout history (I can you give 100 examples).
We are in the Middle East and so our interests are closely imbricated wether we like it or not. Do I like the Baath system NO, Do I like a theocracy? NO but we can not escape geostrategy.
By definition if we are not in peace Syria will not and vice versa, this is not a choice it is a geographic reality. The US did not accept that cuba becomes a soviet "base" and Russia will not accept that the caucase becomes a US "base". Geostrategy is the BASIS of any foreign policy digne de ce nom.
Good question: "what about allying oursleves with Iran and syria? will that not lead to civil war too?"
Ok that's why I said that at least we should stay neutral and find consensus, lets ally with other Lebanese not an Nth foreign power.
You are right when you talk about the 50% of Lebanese who are against it, how about the other 50% (or more) who are against allying with the neocon agenda and indeed will fight it?
You are right: The solution is consensus that disengage us from deadly foreign interference and alliances that we as Lebanese will end up paying for. Like Bashir Gemayel once said: Bikaffi baa nedfa3 el thaman dafa3na bima fihi el kifaya.

BOB said...


Israel existence kinda negate your theory...

Anonymous said...

Israel is the perfect example:
They will never have peace until they accept to give people their rights. BTW they know it and say it. They are using US power to try to avoid making any concessions but they are failing.

BOB said...

no Israel refute your theory of GEOSTRATEGY.

another example is Hong Kong before 1999, peace prosperity and democracy totally at odds with its big Chinese neighbors.

Taiwan comes to mind too...

Anonymous said...

Again, Israel is the perfect example of Geostrategy: they are our neighbours and so our future is imbricated with their presence whether we like it or not: Hence the absolute necessity of a credible deterrent. The same for them they have to take us into account, give us our rights back, and make concessions otherwise sooner or later they will collapse.
For now they are artificially kept floating with tens of billions of US tax payer dollars and they are still not getting anywhere: They wanted to create a secure place for Jews but it is the most dangerous place for Jews in the world.
Now Hong Kong: In case you didn't follow the news: Hong Kong came BACK TO China!! No other choice: it is called Geostrategy.
If you want to talk about us as if we are somewhere between sweeden and groenland, you are free to do so: Good luck!!

BOB said...


you mean that if the lease on Hong kong did not end they were threatened by invasion from China? They came back not out necessity but because the 99 years lease was over.

neighbors matters but they are not the only determinant factor...

Lebanon has always been a different country amidst the whole region and will always stay like that, geostratgy or not...

PS: you spoke of cuba? so how come than it is against it neighbors and keeping up it communism despite being close to a superpower, if they can do it we should be able to uphold our democracy despite Syria!

neighbors matter but they are not the most imnportant factor!!

Anonymous said...

>>we should be able to uphold our democracy despite Syria!
I don't think Syria cares if we are a democracy or not but in any case we can uphold democracy but we can not become a base for foreign agression against Syria and get away with it.

BOB said...

so Syria a tyranny does not care if Lebanon is a democracy????

explain your point of view then...

Anonymous said...

>>so Syria a tyranny does not care if Lebanon is a democracy????
No. They care about what foreign policy we pursue towards them not our system of government.They care about Lebanon not becoming a base for launching agression against it:(Sunni extremists using Lebanon as a launch pad for attacks on their secular system, US base in Kleiaat...).

BOB said...

Ah u mean the sunni extremist that they themselves sent to Lebanon? and to Iraq...

And i think u put too much fiath in HA propaganda...

Syria is the biggest threat to LB, and they will never let it be an independent democracy!

Anonymous said...

>>they will never let it be an independent democracy!
Not true.
They stayed in Lebanon for 30 years and never changed our system: they could have but they didn't: they don't care!
They will not accept that Lebanon becomes a base against them that's all.
Actually the more time goes by the more democracy will produce the kind of policy they want to see: a Lebanon that is not used as a base to attack Syria because that's what the majority of the Lebanese want.

BOB said...

they did not change our sys?????

who made sure that the main parties (communist/phalangist/Baath and SSNp) are no more than a moukhabart mounth piece?

who made sure that the parliament lost its supervising capacity?

who transformed the country into a trokia that can't agree on anything?

who had a hand in naming even the smallest clerk?

AND who was the biggest factor behind the Taef and made sure that there is nothing about a full SY withdrawal and many loopholes and deadlocks?

and (i can go on for ages) who transformed the country into an almost police state?

the coonsititiuon, the laws, the parliament they made a mockery out of them and just like in SY they make them as a nice front to deflect criticisms, just like when u say SY is secular, when all the top positions and preferential treatment is given to a single sect (the alawites)

Anonymous said...

First let me remind you that the US (which is a democracy) has sanctioned, covered, indeed ASKED and ALLIED with Syria to do all that (because they had a common goal of reigning in Arafat) as you see the internal systems are different but they allied because of a specific strategical goal that was present then.
All the things you mentioned are bad but they are NOT a change in the democratic system itself. Controlling a country and changing its way of governing itself are 2 separate things.
But here let me add one very important point: Even though I think our interests coincide, I am NOT advocating Syrian (or any) interference in our affairs.
On the other hand you are advocating foreign US interference in our affairs, that is the point.

BOB said...


even if you are not advocating SY interference it is all soo present in LB.
And to counter this murderous interference and tyrannical control i will use all the support i can get...

yes US was allied with SY and everybody was too, even Hariri and Joumblatt the point is they ARE NO LONGER ALLIED!!!!!

saying that SY did not change the system when SY did not adhere to the Taef agreement, which is our consitituion, is a contradiction

Anonymous said...

Alliances come and go, they are linked to the tactics or strategies of the moment.
Hence if Syria decides to accept the US offer to stop weapons flow to HA, the US will ally with Syria and hand them Lebanon on a platter. That is the point.
Now concerning our political system it is still based on the Third French Republic model (which is outdated) it was the case before Syria came in and after Syria left.(invited by some Lebanese who never learn from history they are the same who later invited israel and now want to invite the US!)
Our system is still democratic.

BOB said...

our system was based on the third french republic constitution not anymore, especially after the Taef agreement.

and you might wanna read what Assad Sr said about invading Lebanon, he was going to do no matter what, with invitation or not...

and again read what i said not what you THINK i said. I suggest using our alliance with Europe, the US and the Arab world to counter Syria and its tyranny, and assassination rampage in Lebanon.