Saturday, July 22, 2006

Unity? What unity?

I have been calling for peace and for putting internal pressure on Hezbollah to stop its violence, and now it seems that Hezbollah is the one pressuring the rest of us. People criticized me for offering a dissenting opinions and supposedly shattering our unity, while the pro Hezbollah forces in Lebanon and outside have been waging a fierce campaign against all the different factions. Nassrallah to Najah Wakim and all the rest of these guys, they have been attacking all those who stand against them, or have not supported Hezbollah, totally vilifying them, calling them traitors and maybe soon burning them at the stake.

It is shame, and it gives you a snap shot of what will happen if Hezbollah wins… the end of Democracy, the end of freedom of press and the end of Lebanon. Some of you will bombard me with comments saying look at Israel it is destroying Lebanon and killing its people, and if Hezbollah loses then we will be humiliated. That might be true. But this is reality and reality sucks. Nothing is totally black or white. All is gray and dripping with blood. Both prospects of this war are a nightmare; there is no solution that benefits us, the people of Lebanon. Everything benefits some external power. Iran or the USA. Israel or Syria. Our country is once more the battle ground for foreign powers using internal pawns.

Does this mean that I support Israel!! Not at all, as I repeatedly said earlier, I condemn all kind of violence, especially when it target civilians, no matter what are the reasons. And Israel methods of using excessive violence, targeting innocent and destroying infrastructure is beyond justification and have been one of the reasons, among many others, that we are in this mess that keeps getting messier…

So where is the solution? I do not know, I am tired, I am sick of this whole thing and I feel helpless. Every time I call for peace I feel like I am committing high treason.
I feel that the county have been destroyed and its soul is slowly being poisoned, by hate, by fundamentalism. More and more people have picked up the rhetoric of war and violence. And people are still being killed, infrastructures is till being vaporized and Hezbollah are till being portrayed as heroes, with no end to violence in sight.

Real peace is the only way. All parties internal and external must understand that we do not care for any ideologies, religions, or dreams of grandeur. Let them keep their battle for the whole Umma, and their fantasies of destruction and death. We are sick of all this. We want peace and we want it now! No more war, not with Israel or Syria or anyone else. Nothing gets accomplished through violence nothing but death.

At the end it does not matter who is to blame and who started this, all what matter is that if you stop believing in peace, no matter how much it hurts at the moment, then we and our beloved country are really lost.



Anonymous said...

I feel for you. From where I stand (in Canada), there is no humiliation for the Lebanese in the - eventual - defeat of Hizbollah. Quite the contrary, you would show the world what great heroes you are if you fight Hizbollah and regain control and sovereignty of your country.

Anonymous said...

Don't loose your hope for peace, although I must admit that I'm starting to loose it too.

This war is fueled by hatered, not by a dispute over land.

As an Israeli, I thought that once we will solve the land issues with the palestinians, you labanese, and syrians we will be able to have peace. I supported our widhrawal from labanon in 2000, our widhrawal from gaza, and I was going to support the widthrawal from most of the west bank.
but the recent events showed us, that its not land what drives you to fight us, it is just pure hate.
Can anyone explain, what land dispute do we have with the iranians?

the arab people (sorry for the generalization) misinterpert our longing for peace, (with the realization that there's no one that we can make peace with at this time) that drove us to widhraw from these places, as a sign of weakness, and as sharks, you counldn't help it but attack.
so now you are paying for this mistake in interpertation.


Anonymous said...

All the destruction in Lebanon is the responsibility of Hezbollah.
Nobody else. Get Hezbollah out of
Lebanon and you'll have peace.

Anonymous said...

I did not read most of what you wrote but could get the general drift that you just want a quiet life. As an Israeli, I can understand how you feel that you (as a person and as a country) keep being dragged into futile violence. I don't have much to say except apologize for my government's overuse of power (even if the attack was unjustified this time, so was our attacked on the Lebanese who are not represented by Hizbala). I just read a headline in Aljazeera (I know basic Arabic) about demonstrations around the world against Israel, I just want you (and maybe other people you know) to know that there was also a demonstration here, in Tel-Aviv, yesterday (about 3000 people I think) with both Jews and Israeli Arabs that were calling to end the violence, withdraw NOW and negotiate something to just get our soldiers back. Not ALL Israelis want this war, although there is currently a majority, certainly with the missiles keeping coming our way (many people do not understand the difference between a Hizbala missile and a Lebanese one). I think, as always lately, it will end when the U.S. tell us to end it, ironically enough they stop us from doing even worse things than we are, even though they are doing worse things than even we are ...
take care, hope we will both be more optimistic in the near future

Nir, Tel Aviv

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you demostrate in haifa, Carmiel or Naharia? Were you too affraid form your hizbollah friends?

I just read that the leader of the "world movement for the memory of islamic suicide bombers", Muhamad Muhamadi has announce that he sent 27 suicide bombers to labanon to hit israelies, and these are 17 out of 55,000 suiciders who registered.

What peace are you talking about?
What have we done to the Iranians that caused 55,000 people to register their desire to kill themselves in order to hit israel? Are you still holding the beleif that the Palestinans are killing themselves cause they have nothing more to loose, because of what we did to them?
Again, what did we do to the Iranians?

Anonymous said...

Whow, I am shocked with your post. Because this is exactly what I feel. Helpless, and obviously a conflict for multinational-elite's benefits.


Anonymous said...

Dear Bob,

It is amazing how similar are the accusations you face from Arab “patriots” to the accusations we, Israelis who oppose the slaughter of Lebanese civilians face from our side. Let’s make it clear to every proud Arab nationalist and Zionist: Criticizing Hizballa doesn’t mean that you condone Israeli attacks, and criticizing Israel doesn’t say that you support Hizballah’s attacks. Killing civilians is wrong. When the IDF directs thousands of canon shells into Lebanese towns and villages, the inevitable results is the killing of civilians. The moral responsibility is on the soldiers who fire, even though Hizballa cynically uses civilian infrastructure. Similarly, Hizballa’s “resistance” has no other aim than to kill as many as Israeli civilians as possible, and those who support their attacks bear responsibility for these crime. In both cases, these are terrorist attacks, even though the majority in both sides might consider them acts of self defense.

Hope you well there in Saida,


Anonymous said...

bob, i’m not looking for argument or justification. the tragedy is tremendous and here, from the israeli side no one is apathetic, i’m very concerned about the lebanese and about your beautifull country. wish it will over soon, if only there were more voices of peace(there r alot over here u know), try to hold on and take care

Anonymous said...

bob, i’m not looking for argument or justification. the tragedy is tremendous and here, from the israeli side no one is apathetic, i’m very concerned about the lebanese and about your beautifull country. wish it will over soon, if only there were more voices of peace(there r alot over here u know), try to hold on and take care

Anonymous said...

I am an asian living in US, and have been watching this war from the beginning. Bob, I can feel your pain. My heart shatters seeing a picture of a mother holding her injured child this morning. However, I don't understand why you (and all of the muslim people) blame it on the Israelis? Hezbollah started it and have been using innocent Lebanese as their weapons. To me, the Hezbollahs are stupid, and the Lebanese should distance themselves from them to end this war.