Monday, November 13, 2006

The masks are finally off

The charad is over. Hezballoh, Berri and Aoun have finally revealed their true intention. They do not want the formation of an International Tribunal to judge the criminals implicated in the assassination of Late Prime Minster Rafik Hariri.

No matter what Hezbollah’s arguments are or what they claim the situation is, this is the second time they withdraw from the government over the same issue: The International Tribunal.

The reasons behind their refusal are secondary. In any legal system any one who defend, hide or aide a criminal will be considered an accessory to that crime, therefore “J’Accuse” Hezbollah, Berri and Aoun as accessories in the assassination of Prime Minster Rafik Hariri.

Hezbollah just made the first step down the very slippery slop to civil war. And for what? To defend Bashar Assad? If they cared that much about Lebanon and knew how much the International Tribunal is important many Lebanese, so why didn’t they sign on for the International Tribunal and then resigned! It would have only taken a day…


1 comment :

R said...

good points bob. What worries me is that Berri went to Iran while Aoun cancelled a trip to the gulf. In the meantime HA is threatening to hit the streets and is promising surprises (which is similar to the way they promised the Israelis surprises! I guess in HA's eyes, March 14 and Israel are both enemies... sigh.)
Tough times are ahead. And march 14 needs to exercise both caution and expediency, because darkness is looming... The counter-revolution is peaking and tough times are ahead. I just hope the fabric of Lebanese society can handle it, and I doubt that it can....