Monday, September 08, 2014

Leftovers finale review

The music, oh heaven, the music!
Starting us up with Nina Simon’s extraordinary interpretation of Jaque Brel’s sorrowful “Ne me Quitte pas”, then whisking us out on the show’s hypnotizing piano theme, passing through Apocalyptica’s interpretation of Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters”, to end with the theme again.
What magic is this! Unbelievable!

The final of “the Leftovers” did not disappoint. It kept on emotionally hammering us, until the last few minutes, to end with a faint glimmer of hope, normality, that I believe is going to be short lived.
The show ambiguity, cradling us between what reality and dreams, between prophets and con men, between white and black, between grey and greyer still. It is this post modernism malaise once again, the moral ambiguity that we all feel in this crazy world, where heroes are nowhere to be found, and where villains hide in plain sight…

I ll just leave you with this: part of a characters monologue, just savor it sheer poetry, while listening to Nina Simmons:
“I was pretending
Pretending as if I haven’t lost everything
I want to believe It can all go back to the way it was
I want to believe that I am not surrounded by the abandoned ruin of a dead civilization
I want to believe that it is still possible to get close to someone
But it is easier not to
It is easier because I am coward
And I couldn't take the pain, not again…”

Do yourself a favor, go watch this excellent show, a study in human nature that is seldom so thoroughly interpreted, and just listen to the music, the heavenly music

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