Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The unified theory of time travel ( U3T )

Today I will begin the elaboration of my unified theory of time travel ( U3T ). It encompass all the different theories of time travel I came across and some I thought of myself (I will try to source all the theories I came across)

First level:

First time travel as is, can be divvied into two main branches: possible or impossible.
Defining the two terms, Time travel is possible: means that by any means or methods a sentient entity can travel back in time (whether the entity travels corporally or incorporeally or if it can interact or just witness the past, will be left for discussion in the next levels of the theory) this branch of the theory will be referred to as ( I ) : ( number one in roman symbols)
The second term, time travel is impossible: means that no sentient entity can travel back in time, no matter what means or methods it uses. This branch of the theory will be referred to as ( II ) : ( number two in roman symbols)

The second level:

Moreover traveling back in time refers to the act of traveling to a time that precedes the present, whether it is by a second or a million years.
Next I will deal with the next level of the theory in the ( I ) branch.
The fact that it is possible to perform time travel via robots or cameras, as opposed to time travel in person causes the theory to diverge in two possible branches:
The first referred to as ( I-A ): states that time travelers can go back in time in person or corporally
The second referred to as ( I-B): states that time travelers cannot go back in time in person or corporally. Rather they go incorporeally ( in spirit/mind or via robot or cameras, the different ways of incorporate time travel will be explored in the next level of the theory)

NB: Of course this theory is still under study so it can (and it will most probably) undertake many modifications and changes. Therefore each time a change or edit some already published parts I will amend it with a version number.

U3T Version: 0.10

Next post about U3T I will try to include schematics to better illustrate the different levels of the theory.

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